[Aika Auto, New Energy Channel, Original]
When it comes to electric vehicles, the first thing people think of is Tesla. This new generation of car company has quickly become a star in the automotive industry in more than a decade, and its stock market value has now exceeded that of Volkswagen and GM combined. Tesla has Model S, Wu has Model X, and the actively sinking Model 3 has made traditional car companies feel huge pressure, and it is quite unique. There are so many old rivers and lakes, is it true that no one can cure this menacing backlash? Porsche was the first to refuse.
The Taycan is Porsche’s answer. It’s been a while since the launch of the Mission E concept car and the launch of the Taycan, and the novelty of this Porsche electric car is gradually fading. But recently, the Taycan has finally come to Chinese consumers, giving us the opportunity to get up close and personal with it, and thus form a more intuitive understanding of the technical details.
保时捷Taycan采用纯电正向研发的思路打造,产品立项可以追溯到2011年。追求极致的保时捷工程师并没有选择奥迪e-tron那样的“油改电”模式,而是为Taycan开发了J1纯电专属平台,该平台未来还将应用于奥迪e-tron GT。此外,J1平台的宝贵研发经验将助力于打造更具兼容性的PPE平台,为保时捷电动车的后续发展奠定了基础。
保时捷为何大费周章将系统电压提升至800V?我们可以从高压输电原理中获得启示。在输电功率恒定的情况下,电压越高,电流越小,输电过程中因电流热效应造成的电能损耗就越小。Taycan的800V架构从根本上提升了三电系统的热管理水平,这对一台高性能电动车至关重要。同时,800V电压显著提升了充电效率,理想状态下充电功率可达270kW,这意味着仅需5分钟便可充入等效于WLTP 100km续航的电能。当然,充电功率还会受到充电基础设施的约束,为此保时捷将在2021年底前在国内建设超400根Turbo充电桩(800V、200kW)和超级充电桩(400V、120kW)。
保时捷Taycan的在售车型包括4S、Turbo和Turbo S,均搭载前后双永磁同步电机,并以此实现了电动四驱。上述三款车型的0-100km/h加速时间分别为4.0s、3.2s和2.8s,对标全新911(992系列)的意味很强。对于电动车来说,实现不同量级的性能表现并不是什么难事,而在极限驾驶工况下打造稳定的性能才是最大的考验。